Saturday, June 7, 2008

Oil Price Shock, Energy Prices and Inflation

Experts indicate that world oil prices have reached new highs - the low prices of the past are notexpected to return because worldwide demands continue to surge.

Emerging energy technologies can increase the use of renewable resources through conversion to hydrogen-rich liquid or gaseous fuels as energy carriers, stimulating more economic growth, while making the state more self-reliant. With advanced hydrogen technologies,renewable resources can be stored, distributed, and used in a variety of clean, efficient power and transportation applications.

Solar Energy is the most basic and direct form of renewable energy. Depending on the type of platform used, sunlight is converted directly into electricity or heat. Solar energy is considered a renewable energy because it will exist for as long as the sun, which should be over 4 billion years. Once the sun burns out, we will have much larger problems than energy!

Energy ministers call for measures to stabilize oil market

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