In my BSc. Thesis project, I had done a comprehensive study on the Processes of converting of refinery heavy Oil residues to light products on the title of “Upgrading of Petroleum Heavy Residue to Gasoline " in
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN, that is the more famous and competitive Iranian university specially in engineering and Technology field. In that study I Proposed to use the hydrofining of residues in among all of the hydrogen assisted processes and other various thermal and cracking processes.
My MSc. undergone in wellknown
Faculty of Engineering of
Tehran University and Dissertation Work entitled as: "Preparation Technology of Nano sized Inorganic salts" In my master thesis, I tried to prepare fine powders by preparing a microemulsion of a precursor and freeze-drying the frozen microemulsions. I have mainly focused on investigating the dependence of morphology and size of nanoparticles on preparation condition and type of surfactant/co-surfactant.
Besides studying Master course at Tehran University and after I finished my general and theoretical courses I started to work in "Iranian Agricultural Engineering Research Institute" that is a well-known Iranian Research Institute and therefore they support some part of my Master Thesis.
I’m attempting to evolve techniques that, can be run in our lab and be operational, This has served to sharpen my inclination to engage in active research within this area.
In these nine and half years of working, I have strived to maintain an approach of expending independent effort in all my endeavors. Learning by me and sharing my knowledge with others has been most worthwhile, when comprehending a concept.
Over the past Four years, I have developed an interest in the areas of Nano powder.
In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that graduate study at Osaka Prefecture University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives.
I would be grateful to you if I’m accorded the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.
Photoelectrochemistry is a general category encompassing light induced electrochemical reactions of semiconductors in contact with liquid electrolytes arising from the primary generation of minority carriers.
Photoelectrochemical processing has been a subject of considerable recent interest.
When immersed in an electrolyte, a semiconductor undergoes an exchange of electrons with the liquid at the interface to equalize the work functions of the two phases.
Thus, when light of energy greater than the band gap strikes the interface and is absorbed by the semiconductor, electrons and holes are produced, with minority carriers being swept to the semiconductor surface.
My interests in NanoScience and technology lie in the area of Nanopowders, thin films and physical Chemistry.
I also believe that my serious intention for study and research, my past experience and academic background in various areas of Nanopowders, Chemistry and Project management will be beneficial for my graduate studies.
I have chosen Osaka Prefecture University for continuing my education because as I know it provides excellent opportunities for doing a worldwide cooperation with other scientists as well as for the research in the area of my interests.
I believe all of these are beside presence of a globally distinguished Professor Like Prof. Anpo should be attainable.
This Photo always reminds me fascination memories with my coworkers in Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Physical Chemistry lab.

"Photo of Professor Masakazu Anpo's lab Members"
I am sure that my curiosity and research skills will enable me to succeed in the greatly claiming program to become an experimentalist. Eventually, I deeply believe that the excellence of Prof. Anpo’s program, along with my capabilities and motivation, will help me to attain my destination.
I find most appealing about PhotoCatalysyis Science. Keeping up an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe, leads to a constant learning process. This approach adds to the already immense potential for innovation that exists in this field.
As a research student in the Physical chemistry lab I did many experiments in Lab, I look to start graduate study in PhD course to refine my knowledge and skills in my areas of interest in the field of photocatalysis with new generation thin and nano films of TiO2.
I believe it will also serve to give direction to my goal of a career as a research professional at an academic or research-oriented organization like my workplace in Iran. I intend to pursue a PhD degree in order to reach that goal.