I am a Persian, Yes I'm from an Oil Producer Country. My Country Is famous for Producing of Oil and Gas. Many People know about Iran's important roles in Energy but most of them are not familiar with other things related to my birth place. My Birth Place is on of the most famous place in world's history. It is not just my Opinion, You can find many things about Civilization in Old Persia. I invite you to find many interesting information about Persian Civilization and Persian Empire. Persians Are among first nations who used Metal works in the ancient world, They knew how to extract and use minerals to make things and staffs. In this manner they had used Coal energy to attain their goals.
Fire, the provider of heat and light and the source of life and growth, was the center of all religious rituals of the ancient Indo-Persians, and till this day, fire plays an important role in the religious ceremonies of Zoroastrians.
In the Avesta FIRE expresses multi-dimensional ideas for it helps humans through enlightenment that truth can bring in terms of knowledge and understanding, it bestows just rewards to the truthful and deceitful at the time of judgement and works towards the fulfillment of Asha and therefore the final victory of good over evil. To a Zoroastrian FIRE has various meanings, such as the fire of inspiration, the fire of love, the fire of righteousness, the fire of emotion, the fire of compassion, the fire of devotion, the fire of the life giving force in all of Ahura Mazda's creations.
## Titanium dioxide crystals might have helped trigger life on earth